There are seven types of less-lethal device technologies. Click on the Forward arrow to explore the varieties.

Conducted energy devices (CEDs): Some CEDs, such as the Taser, can induce involuntary muscle contractions that temporarily incapacitate people. Others deter an individual from a course of action. These include stun guns and stun belts.

Directed energy devices: This technology uses radiated energy to achieve the same effect as blunt force but has a lower probability of injury.

Chemicals: These include pepper spray (also known as OC, which stands for oleoresin capsicum), tear gas, and stink bombs.

Distraction: This equipment temporarily incapacitates people while causing little harm. Examples include the laser dazzler, bright lights, and noise.

Vehicle-stopping technology: This equipment can stop cars during high-speed chases.

Barriers: These include nets, foams, and physical barriers.

Blunt force: Projectiles that are used in crowd control deter people from a course of action.