Define your own success

Do not look to or wait for others to tell you what it means to be successful. Decide what is important to you and how you view yourself as successful. Once you do this, which takes time and focus, you will be better able to identify what you need to do to achieve it.

Challenge yourself

Doing what is comfortable is just that: comfortable. No one likes to be on edge in the workplace, but sitting back and not taking the initiative to seek out new challenges will result in stagnation and eventually dissatisfaction. You do not have to set the world on fire from day one, but always look to stretch yourself and grow in those areas that you have recognized as critical to your success. For example, if the boss wants a team to write a new policy on how to better utilize resources, volunteer to be part of that group.

Develop a growth mindset

To challenge yourself and develop your skills, you have to have a growth mindset. This means that you recognize what it takes to be a lifelong learner and how to improve yourself.

Do not be passive

Always putting other people’s needs ahead of your own may get you a reputation as a nice person but can also stand in the way of your successful growth. This does not mean that you need to be aggressive and pushy (you can still be a nice person); instead, it means that you will stand up for yourself and offer suggestions and ideas that contribute to your and the team’s success.

Developing a mindset that focuses on you and your success does not mean that you are selfish and neglectful of others; instead, it means that you are focused on being prepared for what it will take for you to be successful.

Watch the following video to understand why having a personal development plan is important (Brian Tracy, 2019).